Arizona Game and Fish Department Off-Highway Vehicle Guide
Arizona State Parks and Trails, the Arizona Game and Fish Department, and the State Land Department have partnered to create a new Arizona Off-Highway Vehicle Guide. This guide highlights places to ride, safety techniques, education programs, OHV laws, and so much more. Check out this great guide to riding in Arizona before you hit the trail!
Arizona Game and Fish Department OHV Safety Education
The Arizona Game and Fish Department’s all off-highway vehicle (OHV) safety education course includes instruction on the basic skills required to safely ride or operate an OHV. These include responsibilities of OHV riders to others and the environment, general information on preparing for the unexpected, additional educational resources, laws, rules and regulations for the safe, ethical and responsible operation and use of OHVs.
Rules are necessary to make sure your riding adventure on the National Forest is fun, safe, and will continue to provide a quality riding experience. Please help by obeying these rules.
California offers some of the greatest off-highway vehicle recreation opportunities in the nation. The vehicular recreation areas found within the State Park System, Bureau of Land Management, US Forest Service, local city and counties, and private partners offer an extraordinary amount of diverse and remarkable terrain for recreationists to explore. Know before you go!